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Not to be confused with a Fuck Off day. Totally different beast.
Definition of the Fuck It Day:
A sense of rebelliousness. Of owning who you are this second. Loving that person. Subtly expressive assertiveness in appearance and rhetoric.
Fuck It days are my favourite. They usually stem from a prolonged series of days filled with self-doubt, anxiety, lack of direction and lethargy.
And then these little clusters of vitality appear. They are completely unanticipated. They are psychic gems that the stars must have conjured. They feel externally crafted, like God gave you a hall pass after feeling like the psychological equivalent of that flat fish that sucks up all of the fecal matter in the bottom of a fish tank. You wake up and feel like you might just be the prettiest angel fish in the tank of life.
I find my Fuck It days have commonalities. Here’s a few:
- An interest in dressing.
You all of a sudden have the heavens open up and beam rays of light onto two completely disparate pieces of clothing that have sat bored in your closet for years. Boom! The Fuck It in you decide it’s high time they made each others acquaintance. You have this actual energy in the interest of putting them on and the Fuck It has already made the decision that you are going to…